In this category you will find, apart from a series of tips, all the resources and irrigation accessories that you may need to water your plants properly. With irrigation we will only simulate the way in which plants absorb water naturally.
This is where we find ourselves with the first contradiction, especially for those who have a very large crop and do not have time to give their plants the proper care.
These growers resort to flood irrigation. They fill the tray on which the pots rest with water, so that, through hydrolysis, the water rises from the soil to the roots. In this way we do not recreate the ideal environment for our plants and we will never obtain the best specimens.
The importance of water in our cultivation
It is characterized by being a resistant plant, which gives us a certain freedom when watering and reduces the risk of death due to overfertilization, the essential part of the nutrition comes largely from water.
Let's take an example with a more perennial vegetable. If we plant an avocado tree, say 2kg, in a pot that holds 10kg of soil. After 4 years of caring for it in exchange for its fruits, we take it out of that pot with all its roots and proceed to weigh the plant. It will have reached a total weight of 5kg, and if we weigh the soil in which it has grown, it will probably not weigh less than 9kg.
So, where has our plant been getting its food (or fattening up) from? The answer is simple: from the water we have been watering it with all this time.
How to water our plants
As with all plants, artificial irrigation, when followed according to certain guidelines, contributes to optimal growth. Therefore, whether growing indoors or outdoors, we must organise irrigation in a way that is beneficial for our plants.
If we water with too much water, the roots will become superficial and those at the bottom will be at risk of rotting. In addition, vegetative growth will slow down and the new shoots, which should be green, will turn brown.
It is also very important to water with water that is around 22 degrees Celsius for the correct development of the root system. We will find everything necessary to have this variable under control in Water Temperature .
The perfect irrigation
This is what we achieve by recreating the perfect environment for our plants, in which they can absorb the components of their diet in the best possible way. This, with the tools we put at your disposal, will not be very complicated.
In its natural state, water soaks into the soil and runs down to the roots. We can always force the roots to grow by limiting the amount of water we use after repotting and watering from the corners of the pot. This will force the roots to search for water.
In this way we will achieve a similar effect if we use automatic irrigation.
If we limit the amount of water our plants receive and set guidelines for when they will receive this food, the roots will always be very active and vigilant. This will result in a tremendous root system.
The more developed the roots are, the greater their capacity to absorb water. And the more water they absorb, the greater the final size of our specimens, the quantity and amount of our harvest.